We were out in town again yesterday. A few people recognized us and that was cool. Shooting downtown tomorrow again and then move somewhere else.
We were parked in front of a building with columns when a security guard came out (top photo).
The Guard "You can't take a picture of this building"
Me "Of course we can"
The Guard"You need a permit"
Me"We are in America"
Guard"No we are not"
I take the picture above.
Me"Yes we are"
Guard"Do you have a business card?
She walks back in the building and out comes her boss. A taller male version of her. If you saw them at the Mall you could have sworn they were married.
Boss Guard"You can't take a picture this building"
Me."why not?
Boss Guard "Security"
Me "what does that mean?"
Boss Guard Peering into the truck."Are you with a company?"
Boss Guard."Do you have a business card"
Me "No"
He walks to the front of the truck and asks the driver/my assistant for her business card. She says has none.
Boss guard walking away."Next time have a business card"